October Leadership Seminar Recap

Leadership Seminar Session 2 Update!!!  

From the moment we started eating Juan’s Burritos, to those delicious brownies for Andrew’s birthday, every moment from Tuesday night was great. 

We kicked off the evening with some Team Charades that brought us back to camp with laughs and impressive…though at some points lackluster… acting that made us smile.  Shout out to the 201’s for pulling off a last minute win!

Then we separated into our different cohorts. It is always great to see the learning happening all across Leadership Seminar, so here is an update.


Group Attendance/Excused Absences What happened!
101’s 80% Attendance 

2nd Place!

Tonight Richelle brought the heat as we started to learn about Collective Identity.  We started with a fun group game that made us realize the danger of an Us vs Them worldview.

In the end we realized that we needed this lesson because as Kristen said, “We are gonna answer the question of who we are as a role model, we need to first start looking at the big picture.” 

201’s 75% Attendance!

3rd Place

The 201’s dove into the power of celebrating unique strengths.  DeeDee ran the 201’s through a strength finding activity that had them smiling, laughing, struggling, and struggling to figure out their power strengths.

The good news is that they ended the night realizing how to celebrate their unique strengths, and that an ideal team has all strengths represented.

301’s 85% Attendance 

1st Place!

Vaval and the 301’s exemplified what older siblings look and sound like.  Their love and focus for each other is setting the bar for all of Leadership Seminar.  That love will be so important as they dive into discovering their passions and desires for different communities they are a part of and start spending time contributing to communities and organizations they are passionate about.

Shout out to Cydney for already starting her hours with the Louisiana Children’s Museum!  

401’s 85% Attendance 

1st Place!

It is happening!  The 401’s are living their final year with full gusto.  Aiden and Zoe were amazing at Hangouts!  Alandra, Bruce and Hudson showed real maturity and poise as they led their small groups of 101’s. 

We are so excited to see how their planning for the Leadership Seminar Celebration happening on March 29th turns out. 

 What’s next!

Social Chair

If you are interested in earning money as the Social Chair for your cohort, email D with a few sentences describing why you should be picked. caleb@liveoakcamp.com

Louisiana Children’s Museum

Want to earn hours for community service and get some great experience for college applications and camp?  Sign up to be a part of the vacation camps (Thanksgiving, December Holidays) at the museum!  Live Oak had 7 kids join last year, and they said it was a great experience.  You can sign up here

Next Meeting

November 16th!   Put it on your calendar here

Don’t forget, we are asking that everyone RSVP’s using this link.  Fear not! We will text you four days before as a reminder! 

Want to see taps?  Follow us at LiveOakCamp on Instagram and check out photos from last night.

See you next time on November 16th! Here are four photos from the night!