Give to Live Oak

Make a tax-deductible scholarship gift online to share camp with outstanding kids from all over New Orleans.

Apply to Live Oak

Returning applicants only can apply between 10/1 and 11/1. Beginning on 11/1, new applicants ages 8-12 can apply to camp using the link below.

Our Mission

At Live Oak, we are reimagining leadership for our people and our community.

We connect diverse, values-aligned youth from New Orleans at sleep-away camp, and then invests in their success all year-round.


Days in a camp session.

Laughs, smiles, and zany memories from a summer at Live Oak.


Public, private, and independent schools represented.


Camp experiences since 2014.


Campers and junior staff members per session.

What Our Families Are Saying

“My children have grown in independence and resilience but mostly confidence: confidence to be themselves, confidence to find new parts of themselves, confidence to serve others and most importantly to me in this world where children grow so fast – confidence to the silky, wiggly kiddos they are.”

“Live Oak truly fits our family because it’s a camp family that promotes and encourages the same values that we do in our home.”

“[Camper] has really come out of her shell and is truly more confident than she was when she boarded the bus headed to camp. She appears fearless and brave through her actions and words. My shy child who was hesitant to attend sleep away camp is already talking about next summer’s adventures.”