Donors Make Live Oak Possible
Each year, a community of donors steps forward to make Live Oak possible. Through generous camper scholarship contributions, these individuals, companies, and foundations ensure that exceptional campers from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds can attend camp together, as teammates.
Supporters Play Several Integral Funding Roles for Camp
Camp Scholarships
By contributing to our scholarship fund, donors reduce the tuition requirements for families who need assistance. This allows us to offer a $2,400 camp experience for as little as $160.
Wilderness Adventure Donation
Your donations will help Live Oak provide wilderness backpacking trips for campers in Tennessee, Texas, and North Carolina.
Leadership Seminar and Coach in Training Programming
Donors support these two programmatic priorities, allowing us to expand our innovative year-round Leadership Seminar Series and build summer employment pathways for 14-17 year olds former-campers. Donations support our annual programming for these cohorts of rising leaders
Beyond Camp Support and Advising
Donors who support our High School and College Equity Initiative ensure that we can provide ongoing coaching and development to young adults as they transition from high school to college or career.
Capital Projects
Donors from our Live Oak parent and family network have contributed more than $50,000 in order for Live Oak to build new cabins at camp. As we grow we will continue to rely upon donor support to expand our camp.
Our Generous Sponsors
We are particularly thankful for individuals and organizations whose donations of >$500 since 2019 have made Live Oak summer camp and Leadership Seminar possible.