Beyond Camp
Live Oak Is More Than Just Sleep-Away Camp
Because we are all from New Orleans, our campers and staff members connect all year long once we get back home.
See Live Oak Year-Round Coaching and Advising in Action
Our Four-Year Leadership Seminar

Our four-year curriculum was built in partnership with the globally-recognized youth development team at High Resolves. Participants take on sessions that balance skill building–such as that outlined below–with real-world application opportunities.
Each year participants work as a team to create a unique project that accomplishes something substantial. Then, each summer they work together at camp as junior staff members in to further put their leadership and teamwork skills into action.
The Leadership Seminar Journey
When campers turn 15, they are eligible to apply for our four-year Leadership Seminar. This series includes four-hour leadership development sessions that takes place one Friday per month throughout the year. Each year ~35 participants form a cohort and begin their journey through four years of experiences. They are guided by a coach with experience on the Live Oak summer team.

Course 101
Who am I as an individual?
In the first year of Leadership Seminar, participants explore and discuss concepts like unconscious bias and multidimensional identity. Their year culminates with a public presentation of a Capstone Project before an audience of hundreds of Live Oak families and supporters.

Course 201
Who am I as a teammate?
In year two of Leadership Seminar, participants dig deeper into social categorization, microaggressions, and privilege. Throughout the year they also plan a camp-wide event called Live Oak Fest.

Course 301
Who am as a member of a community?
Throughout the third year of Leadership Seminar participants broaden their perspective on our community by working with a local organizations. They also dive further into building partnerships across lines of difference.

Course 401
Who am I as a coach?
In year four, participants utilize the Coaching Excellence skills they have developed to lead interviews for prospective new Live Oak campers.
We Have Events All Year-Round
All campers at Live Oak are from New Orleans, so we take full advantage by providing programming throughout the year right here at home. Additionally, we partner with a variety of other organizations throughout New Orleans on programming that serves our campers’ and families’ needs.

Partnership Event
Camping and Outdoor Activities Club with Louisiana Outdoor Opportunities Program (LOOP)
Through this partnership, 15 campers have taken weekly excursions throughout the Southeast, including a June 2021 trip for backpacking in North Carolina.

Partnership Event
Financial Literacy Sessions With Iberiabank to Expose Campers to Savings Strategies
Our partners at IberiaBANK hosted a session for campers and staff members to review financial literacy and build skills and knowledge amongst CITs and JCITs.

Partnership Event
Day of Service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Partnership With the Lafitte Greenway
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, dozens of campers and family members gather together to support our local community through service.
What Our Families Are Saying
“My children have grown in independence and resilience but mostly confidence: confidence to be themselves, confidence to find new parts of themselves, confidence to serve others and most importantly to me in this world where children grow so fast – confidence to the silly, wiggly kiddos they are.”
“Live Oak truly fits our family because it’s a camp family that promotes and encourages the same values that we do in our home.”
“She has really come out of her shell and is truly more confident than she was when she boarded the bus headed to camp. She appears fearless and brave through her actions and words. My shy child who was hesitant to attend sleep away camp is already talking about next summer’s adventures.”